3a. Which stakeholder group do you represent while reporting this alleged violation of Wyoming State Law?
Are you the... *
3b. Which stakeholder group is the alleged reporting violation against (Who is the complaint about)?
Is it the… *
4. If you are the reporting underground utility owner/operator, please select the utility you represent. *
6. Did the excavator request an emergency locate ticket, when an emergency request was unnecessary? *
7. Please provide any locate ticket numbers associated with the alleged violation of Wyoming State Law that you are reporting. (If none or unknown, please indicate) *
8. Did damage occur to an underground utility? *
11. If the damage was to an underground utility that released hazardous gas and or materials, was a call placed to 911 for emergency responders? *
12. If damage occurred to an underground utility, did the excavator immediately notify the underground utility owner/operator? *
13. If damage occurred to an underground utility, did the excavator immediately notify the Facility Notification Center, creating a damage ticket? *
14. Did the excavator place the locate request for the intended excavation activity at least 2 (two) full business days, but not more than 14 (fourteen) business days prior to excavation? *
15. Did the excavator provide a specific location for their intended exavation? *
16. Did the excavator provide a description for their intended excavation? *
17. Did the excavator mark out (white line, physically or digitally) their area or path for the intended excavation prior to the underground utility's arrival? *
18. Was hand digging or soft digging methods used to expose the underground utilities? *
19. Did the excavator cooperate with the underground utility owner/operator to mitigate the damage?
(1-star rating being the least cooperative while a 3-star rating being the most cooperative) *
20 Did the excavator conceal or attempt to conceal the underground utility damage? *
21. Did the excavator repair or attempt to repair the damage without the underground utility owner/operators permission? *
22. Was the underground utility listed on the locate ticket request? *
23. To your knowledge, has the underground utility registered and filed their underground utility with the Facility Notification Center? (One-Call of Wyoming, Inc) *
24. Did the underground utility owner/operator respond to the locate request within 2 (two) full business days? *
25. If the underground utility owner/operator did not mark the utility within 2 (two) full business days, was another time mutually agreed upon? *
27. Did the underground utility owner/operator mark their underground utility in the areas defined by the excavator for the proposed excavation on the locate ticket? *
29. Did the underground utility owner/operator mark the location using...
(please select at most 3 options) *
For the status of this complaint please contact the
Wyoming Public Service Commission at 307-777-7427.